Friday, April 11, 2008

My Professor's Smart!!!!

Ok ...this one's a non-technical post. I'd like to dedicate this post to one of my teachers at Fr.CRIT. I'm not too sure if I'm ever going to write a 'Thank you' letter to these favourite professionals of mine, but some of its contents would be a modified form of this post.

Today, day three of the preliminary exams, my dear friend Fish happened to forget his calculator back home. Now fish's character isin't new to us. That man at once exhibits more craziness than me and very often also exhibits a studios part of him; nonetheless, not, upon discovering the absence of his calculator, this man(.....) requests me to enter the department and request the teachers to lending a calci..

Enter Mrs.Mini Rajeev, our Power Electronics prof. and undoubtedly, one of the smartest people around. Within the next 45 seconds, she says something, which would otherwise pop out from the mouths of any of us fellows,"If Eldrich forgets his calculator, I can understand, howcome you did it today?"!!!!

I had no idea how a teacher can read her students' minds after having taught them only for a total of five months...that too, to an extent so as to understand what silliness is attributed to whom!!!! That was simply beautiful and....natural

That incident hapens to be fresh (just this morning..). Mrs. Rajeev has many such feathers on her

  • The day she caught me signalling something to Mr.Newase and the subsequent leg-pulling I was subjected to..

  • The times when she busted Mr.Labroo's plans of escaping her lectures..

  • Her smart and very much hilarious comments upon the class's response... etc...

Of course, there are events which my bro recounted to me; unfortunately, writing all that here would become extremely time consuming, and I'd like to spare myself the pain of having to type on this DUMB keyboard....

Till the next post...ciao!

1 comment:

E said...

i can be soo stoopid sometimes that even i have to laugh at myself. and yes, mini is smart, but considering all the sh** that i;ve done it's to be expected.

and the plural of cactus is cacti(I) but of calculator, umm calci?